Can Air Conditioning Give You a Sore Throat?

Sore Throat

The short answer to this question is: yes, air conditioning can indeed give you a sore throat. Various factors, such as the indoor air quality and humidity level, can play a significant role in this phenomenon.

The Science Behind Air Conditioning and Sore Throats

Understanding Air Conditioning Systems

Air conditioning systems work by removing heat and moisture from the air. When an air conditioner cools your home, it also lowers the relative humidity, which can lead to drier indoor air. This low humidity can dry out your nasal passages and throat, leading to discomfort and potential soreness.

How Dry Air Affects Your Throat

The mucous membranes lining your throat and nasal passages require a certain level of moisture to function effectively. The drying effect of air conditioning can disrupt this balance, leading to symptoms such as a dry, sore throat, and other upper respiratory symptoms.

“The mucous membranes in your respiratory tract have tiny, hair-like structures called cilia. When these membranes dry out, the cilia can’t work effectively, potentially leading to an increased risk of infections.”

Moreover, indoor air quality can be another contributing factor to developing a sore throat from air conditioning. Air conditioning units can circulate dust, mold, and other allergens, which can irritate your throat, leading to inflammation and soreness.

Preventing a Sore Throat From Air Conditioning

While turning off the air conditioning might seem like the most straightforward solution, it isn’t always practical or comfortable, especially during warmer months. Fortunately, there are ways to help prevent getting a sore throat from your air conditioning.

Regular Maintenance of Air Conditioning Units

One of the most effective measures to prevent a sore throat from air conditioning is regular maintenance of your AC unit.

  • Clean or replace the filters: This helps reduce dust, pollen, and other allergens circulating in your home.
  • Check for mold: Air conditioning units can sometimes harbor mold, which can contribute to respiratory symptoms.

Humidity Control

Using a humidifier in conjunction with your air conditioner can help maintain a healthier humidity level in your home.

“Ideally, indoor humidity should be between 30% and 50%. A humidity level within this range can help keep your throat and nasal passages moist and reduce the chances of getting a sore throat from air conditioning.”


Keeping hydrated is another effective way to keep your throat moist and reduce the risk of a sore throat. Drinking water frequently, especially during hotter months, can help compensate for the drying effect of air conditioning.

Can Air Conditioning Give You a Cold?

Despite a common misconception, air conditioning itself cannot give you a cold. The common cold is caused by viruses, notably rhinoviruses, which are spread through tiny droplets in the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. However, the conditions created by air conditioning systems can potentially increase your susceptibility to catching a cold.

Understanding the Connection Between Air Conditioning and Colds

Air Conditioning and Immune System

One of the ways air conditioning can increase the chances of catching a cold is by affecting the body’s immune response. By drying out the mucous membranes in your nose and throat, air conditioning can make these areas less effective at preventing viruses from entering your body.

“When your mucous membranes are dry, they can’t effectively trap and expel viruses that you might breathe in, potentially increasing your chances of getting sick.”

When to Seek Medical Help

While a sore throat from air conditioning is usually not a cause for concern, if it persists for more than a week, or if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as a high fever, severe pain, or difficulty swallowing, it’s a good idea to seek medical advice.


In conclusion, while air conditioning can cause a sore throat, regular maintenance of your AC unit, controlling humidity levels, and keeping hydrated can help prevent this. However, if you’re experiencing a persistent sore throat, it’s always best to seek professional medical advice.

Remember, while air conditioning can make our lives more comfortable, it’s important to ensure we’re using it in a way that doesn’t compromise our health.

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